The firm offers a comprehensive bouquet of services to its Non-banking Financial Companies (NBFC) clients. Our clients also include lenders, borrowers, advisers and other intermediaries dealing with NBFCs. The strength of the firm lies in understanding complex structures of NBFCs and peculiar issues associated with them. The firm has rich experience in dealing with regulators on various issues for and on behalf of NBFCs. We provide comprehensive services, right from licensing of a newly formed NBFC to maintaining event-based transactions and compliance to closure.
- Advisory for selection of a suitable category of NBFC
- Licensing of NBFC
- Representation before Reserve Bank of India
- Retainership services for compliance management
- Advisory of Ad-hoc events and transactions
- Legal Opinion
- Change in management and control
- Due Diligence and legal audit
- Appeals before Reserve Bank of India
- Closure of NBFC and surrender of license