We understand that Joint Venture and Strategic Alliance transactions mandate lawyers to understand more than just the legal issues. Our team is sensitive to the cultural differences of all the parties to the transactions and we strive to be respectful to such cultural differences at the time of acting for our clients. Often Joint Venture and Strategic Alliances involve agreement on ancillary issues such as technology transfer & licensing, sale and purchase of goods & services, secondment of employees, confidentiality and non-disclosure requirements, and others that require a diligent and careful approach. We have experience of acting for clients, both domestic and transnational, from varied industries and sectors.
- Share Purchase, Share Subscription and Shareholders' Agreements
- Drafting Prospectus, Information Memorandum, Letter of Offer
- Technology transfer and technology sharing agreements
- Intellectual Property Rights licensing/ assignment agreements
- Employment agreements
- Non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements
- Non-compete agreements
- Other Service, Business or Commercial agreements